Dear Friends
It is with much sadness that we learnt, this morning, of the death of Mr Robert-Patrick Kniles, Secretary General, coach, technical official, trainer and facilitator of the Guadeloupe Athletics League.
On behalf of the NACAC family we asked teh Guadeloupe League to extend our most sincere condolences to his immediate family and to the extended Guadeloupe Athletics community.
We urge the Executive of the Guadeloupe to sustain his extensive legacy by continuing to develop our sport for the benefit of the youths of the country.
Queridos Amigos
Con mucha tristeza nos enteramos, esta mañana, de la muerte del Sr. Robert-Patrick Kniles, Secretario General, entrenador, oficial técnico, preparador y facilitador de la Liga de Atletismo de Guadalupe.
En nombre de la familia NACAC, le pedimos a la Liga de Guadalupe que extendiera nuestras más sinceras condolencias a su familia inmediata y a la comunidad de Atletismo de Guadalupe.
Instamos al Ejecutivo de Guadalupe a mantener su extenso legado al continuar desarrollando nuestro deporte en beneficio de la juventud del país.